
In government tests, Austin Air outperformed more than 100 other air purifiers. Because of this, FEMA and the American Red Cross chose Austin during some of America’s most challenging times, including 9-11, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, and the 2015 SoCal gas leak in California.

Compare Models for your Specific Needs

Austin Air HealthMate®

The Austin Air HealthMate® addresses everyday air-quality concerns. The HEPA technology is proven to remove up to 99% of all airborne contaminants as small as 0.1 microns, including viruses, bacteria, dust, dander, and allergens. The activated carbon will also effectively remove chemicals, gases, and odors.

Austin Air HealthMate Plus®

The Austin Air HealthMate Plus® has everything that is in the standard Healthmate, but the activated carbon is also impregnated with potassium iodide. This helps to eliminate not only chemicals and gases but also VOCs and formaldehyde -- beneficial for people exposed to smoke via wood-burning fireplaces or wildfires as well as those working in dental offices.

Austin Air Allergy Machine®

The Austin Air Allergy Machine® was originally developed for people with asthma and allergies. It uses medical-grade HEPA and military-grade HEGA filtration. The unique design increases airflow, filtering allergens faster. Like the HealthMate, the technology in the Allergy Machine® is also proven to remove up to 99% of all airborne contaminants as small as 0.1 microns.

Austin Air Bedroom Machine®

The Austin Air Bedroom Machine® also contains everything in our HealthMate® air purifier, but it has an extra 5th stage of filtration using a HEGA carbon cloth. The cloth adds additional viral and chemical protection. In fact, our HEGA cloth is used as a protective layer in military clothing and masks to protect against chemical, biological, radioactive, and nuclear (CBRN) agents.
5 products
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Austin Air HealthMate®
Austin Air HealthMate

Austin Air


Austin Air HealthMate®

Austin Air HealthMate Plus®
Austin Air HealthMate Plus®

Austin Air


Austin Air HealthMate Plus®

Austin Air Allergy Machine®
Austin Air Allergy Machine®

Austin Air


Austin Air Allergy Machine®

Austin Air Bedroom Machine®
Austin Air Bedroom Machine®

Austin Air


Austin Air Bedroom Machine®

Austin Air Replacement Filters
Austin Air Replacement Filters (178347225)

Austin Air


Austin Air Replacement Filters